Christmas 2020 - information

Dear customers,

I appreciate your trust in e-shops and thank you for your orders. This year, the pre-Christmas rush is crazy, given the situation, it was to be expected.
Nevertheless, the goods are sourced very quickly from suppliers.
Many orders are even shipped with no or minimal delay compared to the normal time specified for the product.

Availability is changing very fast this year, so please do not delay your purchases so that the model you are looking for does not disappear.
At the same time, please pay for the order as soon as possible to avoid delays.

For now, we manage to secure the goods quickly and it is not a problem to process orders. Of course, there are various collapses of carriers here and it mainly concerns the transport of goods to you, so it is now possible to eliminate this risk and choose the EMS express service, which works perfectly.

Please take into account that this year, orders after December 16 may no longer be able to do so by Christmas, not even by express.
Of course, we will do our best in cooperation with suppliers around this date, but especially this year, it is better to order them earlier.

Happy Holidays and thank you again for your orders!